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find out how NoiseLab can help you

The Solid Noise probe lets you measure vibrations on any surface without having to use any mounting systems

When compared to other methods, the Solid Noise method can save you up to 95% of your time spent on data acquisition.

No need to use beeswax or leave unseemly marks on the wall. Measures in minutes, not hours.

find out how NoiseLab can help you

Simply grip the probe and press it perpendicular to the surface.

Select the measurement point, prepare your equipment to measure vibrations and press the probe onto the intended point. That's it! You're ready to measure without having to use complex installations or leaving marks. Save time and carry out Solid Noise vibration measurements in minutes, not hours.

What does the Solid Noise probe consist of?

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It includes

find out how NoiseLab can help you

find out how NoiseLab can help you


The Solid Noise probe is compatible with your regular type 1 vibration adquisition equipment as long as it meets the following requirements

  •  FFT measurements capacity with a 1Hz resolution
  •  Meets the IEC standards for type 1 equipment
  •  Compatible with TNC connection enabled accelerometers

Commercial equipment that is compatible with the Solid Noise probe

  •  SVAN974 - Single-channel Vibration Analyzer
  •  SVAN958A - 4-channel Noise and Vibration Analyzer
  •  SVAN959 - Single-channel Noise and Vibration Analyzer
  •  SVAN977 - Single-channel Noise and Vibration Analyzer
  •  SVAN979 - Single-channel Noise and Vibration Analyzer
  •  Sinussmess Soundbook
  •  BRUEL Sound Level Meter Analyzer, Model 2270
  •  BRUEL Sound Level Meter, Model 2250
  •  BRUEL Sound Level Meter Light, Model 2250
  •  BRUEL Portable Vibration Analyzer, Model 2250H
  •  CESVA SC310 with vibrations measurement modulus
  •  01 dB Symphonie and Solo


Can I use the probe to measure any type of vibrations?

No, the probe only carries out Solid Noise measurements. This is because it carries out relative rather than absolute measurements. If you want to use it for comparative measurements, then that won't pose a problem.

How do you mount the probe? Do you have to exert a specific amount of pressure on the probe to measure vibrations?

If you simply press the probe perpendicular to the surface you're measuring, that's enough. The rigidity sensor rod and the springs provide support whenever pressure changes are detected.

How many points have to be measured with the probe in order to characterize a surface?

A minimum of 3 measurements of up to 20m2 is usually enough. Nevertheless, if you have any doubts, you can always upload the sampling. In the case that there are several types of material on one surface, treat it as if you had 2 different surfaces.

How long does a measurement last when using the probe at one specific point?

As a minimum, we recommend 6-second measurements, similar to the sound readings done for ISO 140-4. You must also first measure background noise to ensure that there's an adequate signal/noise during the measurement.